Students earn their teekkaricap by having their Freshman Pass filled and participating in Eldprowet, also known as Fire Test. Members of Nucleus board with teekkaricap, ongoing year's tutors and board members of Teekkarikommissio can give points to the Freshman Pass.
If you are an international student and you are keen to get a teekkaricap and fill the Freshman or the Master Pass, please contact the board of Nucleus ry nucleus[at]
NB! Food technology students complete the Teekkarikomissio's pass, which has different contents.
Stamps of the Freshman Pass 2024:
Mandatory stamps
Official Teekkaristamp (2)
- Participating in primarily Nucleus' or Teekkarikomissio's regulatory spring or autumn meeting. You can replace one Official stamp by participating in two board meetings. If necessary, the stamps can be completed in other associations meetings.
Study point
- You get a stamp in the pass when you have received your first ECTS.
Teekkari song point
- Knowing the words of traditional Teekkari songs and singing them to a tutor, Member of Nucleus' or Teekkarikomissio's board. The songs are the Teekkarihymni (NB! Also in Swedish) and Ikuisen teekkarin laulu. Lyrics: Teekkarihymni & Ikuisen teekkarin laulu.
Event stamp (3)
- Participating in an event which has been organized by Nucleus or Teekkarikomissio.
Volunteering stamp
- Sitz serving, selling tickets, morning cleaning of sitz or something else agreed with the board of Nucleus.
Rekombionaatio point
- Working at Rekombionaatio event at Turku.
Voluntary stamps (must complete 6/9)
Big event stamp
- Participation in a bigger event such as a Rekombionaatio, an excursion, the World Cup of Academic Kyykkä in Tampere, the World Cup of Academic Kyykkä in Oulu or the guild's annual party. One big event can be replaced by attending two events organised by Nucleus or Teekkarikomissio.
Officials point
- Being a Nucleus official or active participation in one of Nucleus' commitee
Practical joke / Invention stamp
- The invention must be made alone or in a group up to three people and must be submitted with a documentation (at least one A4 page) to the Guild board.
- An invention is an innovation that gets the respect of teekkaris and can be recognised as an engineering project. The invention must be complete and functional.
- Practical joke in competitions organized by Teekarikomissio or just for fun.
Remember to return the documentation of the practical joke or invention to Nucleus board.
Study survey stamp
- Respond to the first-year student survey in the spring.
Sport stamp
- Participate in sport event organized by Nucleus.
Club stamp
- For example participate in boardgame night
- One stamp needs three (3) visits to club events.
Song stamp
- Singing karaoke, performing solo at sitz, or any other equally surprising and spectacular use of the vocal cords.
- You can also earn a singing stamp by developing your own song for Nucleus.
Sewing stamp
- To redeem a stamp, you must have at least 30 badges sewn onto your overalls.
Pönkeli point
- You get the point by selling Wappumagazines, i.e. by acting as a Pönkeli vendor. Alternatively, you can get a point for a joke/graphic/artwork that ends up in the magazine by entering the Pönkeli joke competition. For more information: pö
Maisteripassin pisteet 2024:
Mandatory stamps
Official Teekkaristamp
- Participating in primarily Nucleus' or Teekkarikomissio's regulatory spring or autumn meeting. You can replace one Official stamp by participating in two board meetings. If necessary, the stamps can be completed in other associations meetings.
Study point
- You get a stamp in the pass when you have received your first ECTS.
Teekkari song point
- Knowing the words of traditional Teekkari songs and singing them to a tutor, Member of Nucleus' or Teekkarikomissio's board. The songs are the Teekkarihymni (NB! Also in Swedish) and Ikuisen teekkarin laulu. Lyrics: Teekkarihymni & Ikuisen teekkarin laulu.
Volunteering stamp
- Sitz serving, selling tickets, morning cleaning of sitz or something else agreed with the board of Nucleus.
Event stamp (2)
- Participating in an event which has been organized by Nucleus or Teekkarikomissio.
Voluntary stamps (must complete 3/7)
Officials point
- Being a Nucleus official or active participation in one of Nucleus' commitee
Practical joke / Invention stamp
- The invention must be made alone or in a group up to three people and must be submitted with a documentation (at least one A4 page) to the Guild board.
- An invention is an innovation that gets the respect of teekkaris and can be recognised as an engineering project. The invention must be complete and functional.
- Practical joke in competitions organized by Teekarikomissio or just for fun.
Remember to return the documentation of the practical joke or invention to Nucleus board.
Study survey stamp
- Respond to the student survey in the spring.
Sport stamp
- Participate in sport event organized by Nucleus.
Club stamp (2)
- For example participate in boardgame night
- One stamp needs three (3) visits to club events.
Sewing stamp
- To redeem a stamp, you must have at least 20 badges sewn onto your overalls.
Pönkeli point
- You get the point by selling Wappumagazines, i.e. by acting as a Pönkeli vendor. Alternatively, you can get a point for a joke/graphic/artwork that ends up in the magazine by entering the Pönkeli joke competition. For more information: pö